
Guassp - GitLab User Access Synchronizer for SonarQube Projects

The project is intended to create a multi-user integration of SonarQube and GitLab. Project visibility and user permissions will be set in SonarQube in the same way as project permissions in GitLab.

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This utility consists of a front-end API that accepts requests to update permissions from the GitLab CI pipeline, where all trust is built around CI_JOB_TOKEN, trusted tasks are added to the RQ job queue (Redis Queue). Jobs are processed by the backend workers, and a separate prometheus metrics exporter is used to display statistics.


Permissions are divided by the access level of SonarQube roles according to the interests of group users in GitLab.
It takes into account how GitLab implements user access rights in the project, and users from invited groups, where access levels are limited in accordance with GitLab.





The project is implemented on flask, for WSGI it is used bjoern, the work with the GitLab API is done through python-gitlab, and the SonarQube API through python-sonarqube-api. To process the message queue, RQ is used, whose metrics are returned by rq-exporter.

Container image

You can pull image from registries:

Quick start

For a quick start, you can use the example from docker-compose:

  1. docker-compose.env - change the settings in the environment file
  2. docker-compose.yml - run with docker-compose up -d


To launch the desired utility, transfer to the container or script argument:

Application Options

Options for working with GitLab

Options for working with SonarQube

Options for working with Redis

Prometheus Metrics Exporter Options

Also you can pass RQ args and environment variables


Job Registration

POST /task

{"job_token": str}

Headers: JOB-TOKEN or Authorization: Bearer

You need to pass the task token in any of the options:

curl -sL \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"job_token": "'$CI_JOB_TOKEN'"}' | jq

curl -sL -X POST \

curl -sL -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $CI_JOB_TOKEN" | jq

The task token can be passed in the JOB-TOKEN header, or Authorization: Bearer or be the value of the job_token key in JSON

Tasks Queue

GET /tasks

curl -sL | jq
curl -sL | jq -er '.tasks | keys'

Task Status

GET /task/<uuid:job_uuid>

curl -sL | jq

Removing a task from the queue

DELETE /task/<uuid:job_uuid>

curl -sL \
  -X DELETE | jq

Manual task registration by GitLab project ID

POST /task_manual/<int:prj_id>

curl -sL \
  -X POST | jq


GET /health

API health, application availability and job queues.


In the GitLab CI pipeline, first of all, you must make sure that the [ALM][] setup is done and refers to your project, after which you can submit a task for synchronization in guassp. Now you can start the analysis.

For publish Guassp API behind Nginx as part of SonarQube API check Nginx config example


curl --location --fail --user "$SONARQUBE_TOKEN:" \
  "$SONARQUBE_URL/api/alm_settings/set_gitlab_binding" \
  -d "almSetting=$SONARQUBE_ALM_NAME" \
  -d "project=$SONARQUBE_PROJECT_KEY" \
  -d "repository=$CI_PROJECT_ID"

curl --location --fail -X POST -H "JOB-TOKEN: $CI_JOB_TOKEN" \

You can see a more voluminous example of a script for executing SonarQube in the pipeline in the file


Metrics implemented using project rq-exporter

Dashboard ID 12196 is suitable for visualization in Grafana or use it adaptation which will output only metrics from guassp.

Building and Debugging

A set of commands for fast local debugging in container

# Build
podman build -t guassp .

# Redis
podman run --rm -d -p 6379:6379 --name redis redis
podman run --rm -d -p 5000:5000 --env-file .env --name guassp-api localhost/guassp:latest api
# Workers
podman run --rm -d --env-file .env --name guassp-worker-1 localhost/guassp:latest worker
podman run --rm -d --env-file .env --name guassp-worker-2 localhost/guassp:latest worker
# Exporter
podman run --rm -d -p 9726:9726 --env-file .env --name guassp-exporter localhost/guassp:latest exporter

# Check
curl -s | grep -v '^#'
curl -s | jq
curl -s -X POST -H "JOB-TOKEN: $CI_JOB_TOKEN" | jq

Or run locally, for this you need to install dependencies

apt-get install -y libev-dev libevdev2
python -m venv .venv
pip install requirements.txt

And for simplicity, run through a script guassp

./ api
./ worker
./ exporter